It does not take long for plaque that is not removed from your teeth to turn into calculus (tartar)! Daily home cleaning helps control plaque and tartar formation, but those hard to reach areas will always need special attention.
Once your periodontal treatment has been completed, your dentist and dental hygienist will recommend that you have regular maintenance cleanings (periodontal cleanings), usually four times a year. At these cleaning appointments, the pocket depths will be carefully checked to ensure that they are healthy. Plaque and calculus that is difficult for you to remove on a daily basis will be removed from above and below the gum line. The hygienist will review and recommend oral hygiene aids as needed (Electric toothbrushes, special periodontal brushes, fluorides, rinses, etc.).
Good oral hygiene practices and periodontal cleanings are essential in maintaining dental health and keeping periodontal disease under control!